Since a single operation is used for this pattern, a reference to the address or the explicit address itself must be provided as a parameter on the request. 由于对这个模式使用单操作,对地址或显式地址自身的引用必须作为请求的参数提供。
Vimscript allows you to define both explicit parameters and variadic parameter lists, and even combinations of the two. Vimscript允许您定义显式参数和可变参数列表,甚至可以将两者结合起来。
A datapool is a table of values to be substituted for an explicit string parameter in a request. 一个数据池是能够代替请求中字符串参数值的一个数值表。
If no explicit number is defined when executing RUNSTATS, DB2 uses the default number that is provided by the database parameter NUM_QUANTILES. 如果在执行RUNSTATS时没有明确指定一个值,那么DB2将使用由数据库参数NUMQUANTILES提供的默认数量。
If we place no explicit bound on the parameter, then by default the bound is Object, meaning that we can't call any methods on an instance of the bound that don't appear in class Object. 如果没有对参数设定显式的范围,那么缺省情况下范围是Object,这意味着我们不能调用范围实例在Object中未曾出现的任何方法。
One option to ease this issue for the output service might be to have an explicit version parameter on the operations or an explicit version field on the complexTypes. 为输出服务简化这个问题的一个选择是在操作中增加显式的“version”参数,或是在“complexType”中增加显式的“version”字段。
A default argument is specified by providing an explicit initializer for the parameter in the parameter list. 默认实参是通过给形参表中的形参提供明确的初始值来指定的。
Moreover, an explicit and closed form of stability bound on perturbation parameter is provided and some other cases are also discussed. 并进一步给出估计摄动参数的稳定界的定量表示以及讨论其它情形。
The explicit expressions for the parameter adjustments are derived, and strict proof of convergence for method is given. 不仅得到了参数调节的显示,并且给出了方法收效性的数学证明。
By utilizing some right coprime fractions, the second solution is given in an explicit form with respect to the free parameter vectors and the eigenvalues of the matrix J. 第二种通过右互质既约分解,给出了通解关于一组自由参量和矩阵J的特征值的显式表达式。
The explicit expression of the gradient matrix allows the use of the optimization technique with a single parameter. 利用梯度矩阵的表达式,就可以采用一般单参数寻优方法获得一个简单的调节器。
The explicit solutions and Central solution of H ∞ estimation problem for uncertain parameter systems 参数不确定系统的H∞估计问题的显式解和中心解
Using explicit dynamic FEM as a solver, process parameter optimization design on laser bending of rectangular sheet metals was conducted with genetic algorithms ( GA). 提出了一种以动态显式有限元为解算器,并采用遗传算法对矩形板激光弯曲成形工艺参数进行优化设计的方法。
A practical algorithm for approximating explicit parameter curve with circular arcs 显参数曲线的实用圆弧逼近算法
This article makes a function model of satellite cloud image which has explicit synoptic meteorology significance, and draws quantitatively the satellite cloud chart parameter on the basis of the classified cloud layer, and seeks the short-time forecast target index with the similar operation of cloud chart template. 构造天气学意义明确的卫星云图状态函数模型,在对云层进行分类的基础上,定量提取卫星云图参数,通过与云图模板的相似运算寻找短时预报指标。
Explicit Solitary Wave Solutions to a nonlinear partial differential equation by a double parameter transformation 双参数变换法求非线性方程的显式孤波解
An explicit expression for the vortex velocity field as a function of the order parameter field is derived in terms of the Φ-mapping theory, and the topological structure of the velocity field is studied. 利用Φ映射拓扑流理论,给出了基于序参数的涡旋速度场,以及该速度场的拓扑结构。
Taking advantage of the theories of the inverse problem of general eigenvalue and the decomposition of finite element matrices, the explicit expressions of eigenvalue 2 and perturbed parameter e ( correspondence with design variables) and the computation equations of~ are derived. 利用广义特征值反问题理论和有限单元刚度阵和质量阵的分解,推导出特征值λ与逆摄动参数ε(与设计变量x相对应)关系的显式表达的计算公式。
In the model of on-resistance, we have considered the lateral doping distribution in LDMOS channel and vertical doping distribution in drift region. Then we provide the explicit dependence between on-resistance and doping distribution parameter. 导通电阻模型考虑了LDMOS的沟道横向杂质分布和漂移区杂质纵向分布的结构特点,给出了导通电阻与杂质分布参数的明确函数关系。